Project Duration: 2 years
(2017 – 2019)
CreativeCulture is an international programme designed to explore, exploit and experiment the impact of arts, design and culture in enhancing creative thinking and development in education (primary and secondary levels) through game design and computational thinking as an approach and instrument for fostering creative problem solving and transcultural practices in Malaysia.
The CreativeCulture project aims to address learning issues, challenges, and opportunities with Malaysian children of remote rural areas, and to investigate their acceptance to, and engagement with, learning using the CreativeCulture model. Upon successful implementation and testing in the proposed participatory studies, the outcome of the research will inform Malaysia on means for effectively infusing the CreativeCulture model to assist and accelerate learning for children in remote rural locations.
To develop the CreativeCulture model, the project will explore, exploit and experiment the impact of arts, design and culture in enhancing creative thinking, problem solving and development in education through game design and computational thinking. The project is aligned with the inclusion of Arts in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education (STEAM), realising the potential of these subjects by enabling true innovation and new thinking through creativity. Art and culture boost creativity and creativity leads to innovation, new thinking and moving beyond existing skills; all together are triggers and needed in the social and economical transformation.
There is also a need for fun, playful, hands-on, socially and culturally grounded explorations of topics during primary and secondary school to foster contextualised and deeper learning. Hence, creating games as a cooperative activity on the edge of the diverse fields of Art, Design, Culture, Science, and Engineering can be a fertile ground to cultivate these mind-sets and practices.
Tool & Resources
CreativeCulture: Design Thinking Cards
A tool for guiding teachers to learn about Design Thinking to create innovative gameful learning tasks. (Produced in the local language – Malay)
CreativeCulture: P-L-A-Y Cards
A tool to help teachers, educators and trainers to jumpstart their learning process to design and construct meaningful learning experiences using available and relevant games.
Game Design Thinking: A Rapid Prototyping Workshop for Educators
This workshop encourages participants to design educational game prototypes in a compressed timeframe, exposing educators to game design thinking through direct practical application.