Purposyum – Games and Education for Justice in Brazil
“Purposyum, Challengers of Justice” was developed after a Call for (non-digital games) Projects by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Versions in Portuguese, English and Arabic are available for download, print and play.
Rule of law, conflict resolution and sustainable development goals (SDGs) are part of the challenges of the “Education for Justice” global campaign (E4J). A Portuguese printed version was published by the University of São Paulo in 2020 and is available for schools and NGOs.
Game design and playtesting were jointly developed by the “City of Knowledge” research group at the University of São Paulo and a group of students of the “ETEC Parque da Juventude” (Youth Park Technical School), a public high school under the State of São Paulo network of tech educational institutions. This school was built on the grounds of the Carandiru Prison. In this video, students from the Pestalozzi College offer their testimonials after playing the game which became part of their curricula in 2021.
Project Links
Gilson Schwartz
Associate Professor & President, Games for Change Latin America
University of São Paulo
Twitter: @gilsonschwartz
Parabéns pela iniciativa. Atuo com jovens nem nem e sei muito bem do impacto da falta de propósito na vida deles, muitas vezes causada pelas condições familiares e pela pressão da sociedade, justamente em uma fase de afirmação social. Adoraria ter a oportunidade de aplicar também em minhas turmas, pois percebo o benefício imediato da ação. Parabéns Alexandre, Roger, time do colégio Pestalozzi pela perspicácia e visão. Aos alunos, que possam levar a experiência para o mundo extra muros e que não se deixem dominar pela sua zona de conforto. O que é mais difícil tende a trazer maior satisfação pessoal.