
UMPO, Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo is a part of ACES which is led by Prof. Sylvester Arnab of Coventry University. It is an honor, a privilege to have our pride involved in this project which is about three years long. In Indonesia, particularly, this project has proven that resilience is a major factor in shaping patterns and behavior, especially in the learning process which will lead to playful learning or joyful learning. 

During the pandemic, we are forced to improvise with Indonesian conditions where face to face meeting is not allowed, so we implement hybrid or online methods in our reset implementation or ACES’s implementation design.

We at Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo under the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education have emerged a lab from ACES project that we call ‘Reogify’ (Research on Game and Pervasive Play) gaining support from the Coventry University, UKRI and ESRC United Kingdom teams. 

Reogify (Research on games and pervasive play) moves in reset training and key workshops in communities. We invite communities from wider communities to join us and participate in workshop. Then, in addition to games related to the latest technology, there are some traditional games and other fun games that we have adopted. They are all available on Reogify Umpo YouTube Channel.

Project Links


Dr. Muhibuddin Fadhli

Assistant Professor
Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia
Twitter: @fadhli13



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